



しかし現実には,他の供給処理施設と隣接して立地している場合が結構多いのです。この種の施設は殆ど設置自治体の境界ぎりぎりに立地しますが,これは選挙区の設定と無縁ではありません。隣接自治体の市民には,投票行動を通じて反対を表明する手段がないからです(Voting Jurisdictionの問題)。

(2)や(3)を一般にNIMBY (Not In My BackYard) 施設,或いはLULU (Locally Unwanted Land Use) などと呼びます。これらの施設は,設置に対する総論としての社会的合意はあるものの,各論になると自分のコミュニティーは困るという,いわゆる「地域エゴ」の問題に阻まれてなかなか合意に到達しません。つまりグローバルには便益施設であるにも拘らず,ローカルには迷惑施設になる矛盾を孕んでいます。



TI: The Siting Problem of NIMBY Facilities: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Auction Mechanisms
AU: Quah,-E.; Tan,-K.-C.
SO: Environment-and-Planning-C:-Government-and-Policy; 16(3), June 1998, pages 255-64.

TI: Where Will We Put the Garbage? Economic Efficiency versus Collective Choice
AU: Ye,-Meng-Hua; Yezer,-Anthony-M.-J.
SO: Regional-Science-and-Urban-Economics; 27(1), February 1997, pages 47-65.

TI: Social and Economic Factors in the Spread of the NIMBY Syndrome against Waste Disposal Sites in Taiwan
AU: Shen,-Hung-Wen; Yu,-Yue-Hwa
SO: Journal-of-Environmental-Planning-and-Management; 40(2), March 1997, pages 273-82.

TI: The Old Lady Visits Your Backyard: A Tale of Morals and Markets
AU: Frey,-Bruno-S.; Oberholzer-Gee,-Felix; Eichenberger,-Reiner
SO: Journal-of-Political-Economy; 104(6), December 1996, pages 1297-1313.

TI: The Role of Compensation in Siting Hazardous Facilities
AU: Kunreuther,-Howard; Easterling,-Doug
SO: Journal-of-Policy-Analysis-and-Management; 15(4), Fall 1996, pages 601-22. GE: United-States

TI: Approaches and Methods of Siting Locally Unwanted Waste Facilities
AU: Lawrence,-D.-P.
SO: Journal-of-Environmental-Planning-and-Management; 39(2), June 1996, pages 165-87.

TI: Market versus Government: The Political Economy of NIMBY
AU: Faulhaber,-Gerald-R.; Ingberman,-Daniel-E.
SO: Congleton,-Roger-D., ed. The political economy of environmental protection: Analysis and evidence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996, pages 169-88.

TI: Locating Hazardous Waste Facilities: The Influence of NIMBY Beliefs
AU: Groothuis,-Peter-A.; Miller,-Gail
SO: American-Journal-of-Economics-and-Sociology; 53(3), July 1994, pages 334-46.

TI: Entanglement of Interests and Motives: Assumptions behind the NIMBY-Theory on Facility Siting
AU: Wolsink,-Maarten
SO: Urban-Studies; 31(6), June 1994, pages 851-66.

TI: Long-Term Tradeoffs for Sustainability Policies in the Area of Environmental Toxicology: An Economic Analysis of a NIMBY Syndrome
AU: Nijkamp,-Peter
SO: Opschoor,-J.-B.; Pearce,-D.-W., eds. Persistent pollutants: Economics and policy. Economy and Environment series, vol. 3, Norwell, Mass. and Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1991, pages 145-56.

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